

国际部简介Introduction of International Track

厚德书院出国方向致力于培养“立足本,放眼世界”,有理想,有责任心,有爱心的世界公民。以博雅教育为核心,发源于古希腊,追溯至先秦的六艺教育,中西合璧,提倡对学生全方位的素质培养。学科领域涉及人文、科学、艺术、体育,旨在造就具有广博知识和优雅气质的世界公民。 Houde Academy is committed to cultivating global citizens who are ideal, responsible and caring. Withliberal education as the core, it originates from ancient Greece and dates back to the six arts educationof pre-Oin Dynasty. lt combines Chinese and Western elements and advocates all-round quality train-ing for students. The disciplines cover the humanities, sciences, arts and sports, and aim to createglobal citizens with a wide range of knowledge and elegance.

厚德书院从学生的成长、成才要求出发,按照国家与国际课程标准为每位同学定制课表、定制教学,分层授课,吸收了大批优秀的、有教育情怀和热忱的中外籍老师,每位老师不仅是任课老师,更是学生的升学规划及人生导师。 Houde Academy starts from the growth and success requirements of students, according to the nationaland international curriculum standards for each student customized curriculum, customized teaching.stratified teaching, absorb a large number of outstanding Chinese and foreign teachers with educationafeelings and enthusiasm, each teacher is not only a course teacher, but also the students’ study planningand life mentor.



10大教学特色 走进世界名校的有力保障
